Monday, May 10, 2010

Mom & Dad Korea

I can't speak for my parents, but I know for me ~ their 2 weeks in Korea were definitely the highlight of my year so far.  It was incredible to have them here first surreal and then completely natural, to the point that the apartment felt empty after they had left.  It started out with 2 suitcases completely full of treats & snacks and it ended with tears at the airport and a very soggy bus ride back to our place.  And the inbetween was jam packed of sight seeing and 'living our lives' Korean experiences.

For me, some of my favourite memories are definitely:

  • Watching my dad struggle with chopsticks for the first time (and then the 30th)

  • Seeing the musical 'Jump' ...though not necessarily for the show itself

  • The trip to Busan

  • Watching 2 seasons of Survivor and beating the boys in both of the pools

  • 2 Baseball Games and having the Thunder Sticks

  • Getting to eat my dad's pancakes

  • Having my mom show me up in Soju shot drinking

  • Having my parents experience first hand what we go through at school

  • Introducing my parents to our kids ...and watching my dad trying to explain to the boys how a rocket is designed (yah, they don't know what 'design' even means)

  • Shopping, shopping, shopping with the woman that gave me my love of shoes and ' pretty things'

  • Watching Father of the Bride and picking our wedding dance song

  • The best one of all dad on the microphone at the Nora Bong and my mom with the tamborines

Though, ones not to forget would be:

  • The Korean Palace in Seoul

  • Learning to navigate the Subway system

  • Eating Shabu Shabu on the floor

  • Buying chopsticks & a beautiful ring

  • Dinner with the bosses

  • Baskin Robbins - 4 flavours

  • Skype dates with them on this side of the computer

  • Buying Wayne about 8 new pairs of socks

I'm certain that I have not mentioned everything because every single day seemed to be full of best moments and so much fun.  Did I mention that I loved having them here?


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