Monday, May 17, 2010


Our second weekend with my parents here was spent in Busan.  The weather couldn't have been more beautiful, and we had some great company. 

We started out our road trip at 7am.  Getting Wayne out of bed to be ready for that time was no small feat.  I figured if I could accomplish that, I could accomplish anything that I set my mind to.  The 4 of us met Marty & Em at the corner and we grabbed cabs and headed to the bus terminal.  Once there Em did her customary shop for anything that might catch her interest to buy, before we got onto the bus and started the 5 hour trip to Busan.

I really had to no idea what to expect, and I think that if I had to of made guesses before arriving I would have completely missed my mark.  It was entirely different than anywhere that I have ever been in Korea.  There were still millions of people on the streets and fish stands on every corner, but the entire vibe and atmosphere was different.

People walked slightly slower, every seemed to be smiling a bit more and the beautiful beach that was before our eyes was filled with people relaxing and having fun.  It made me want to pack my bags and see if they needed any English teachers.

Our first task was to find a Love Motel.  Which Wayne assured us would be easy, and confirmed that absolutely every Love Motel was exactly the same inside so we didn't need to concentrate on anything other than price.  He was wrong on both accounts.

But it gave us a story to tell.

Then we filled our bellies and started walking down the beach.  It didn't take long before we were grabbing beers, and finding our way to the shopping areas.  We found a great formula that worked for every couple.  As long as the boys had a beer in their hands, they would wait patiently outside the shops while we tried on shoes and looked at clothes.  Fabulous.

We stumbled down a very interesting street.  Definitely different than anything I have ever seen before, that's for sure.

Our night ended with fireworks, literally.

The next day was a relaxed, touristy day of walking around and checking out the town.  You may notice that Wayne is not in any of the pictures ...he was in bed.

Then back on the bus for the 5 hour trek home.  Was it worth the drive? Absolutely.  Will I go again? Definitely ...but hopefully next time we can make it a long weekend.


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