Friday, November 19, 2010


It has definitely been awhile. I have been meaning to write a beautiful and eloquent sum up blog entry - detailing (with pictures of course - and maybe even a photobook) my incredible year away and all of the experiences that Wayne & I had. But I haven't. Instead, I have thought about it in random seconds throughout the weeks since we have been home. And then the weeks turned into months and now we have almost been home 3 months.

I have no idea where the time has gone. Except that I'm pretty sure that it has been thrown into the busyness of living back in Canada. That has got to be one of the extreme differences of living overseas versus living at home. Living at home brings with it all the wonderfulness of friends and family and comfort activities and food that you are used to and all of the other things that you love. But you miss out on the 'you' time ...mostly because there weren't a million expectations that surrounded your schedule, but you just don't have that when you're home.

Nor do you have your Emily & Marty ...but that's another story. Though it should be noted how much I miss them.

Anyways, to say that it's good to be home would be an understatement. (Though in all honesty - to say that we had an incredible year and that it was one of the best of my life to date - is also an understatement. It just goes to show that timing is everything.) 

So anyways, I wanted to close this chapter of my life with saying that I loved every single second of it. The memories that I have of the year in Korea will be with me forever and I learned so much about myself ...and about Wayner - living in a shoe box will do that to a couple. But we survived, and not only survived - but came home and appreciated life in a different way. And now I actually know that Korea is not a city in the continent of China.

Oh - and did I mention that I am now teaching High School Business, bought a new car, am planning a destination Wedding for next summer and bought a new house in Acton that closes next week?
Phew ...see, I told you that I haven't had any spare time.



Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I cannot believe we are at this point already ...we have almost hit an entire year in South Korea and away from home!  I honestly remember thinking at the beginning that I couldn't imagine how long a year would feel like, and now I can truly say that this was one of the fastest years of my entire life.  Though that may have something to do with the fact that they say that the years go faster the older that you get, and I hit 30 this year. Who knows.  Either way, it has been an incredible year.

I wasn't really sure I had this in me. I was not born with the traveling gene (though I love my time at all-inclusives) and I have never really had the urge to explore the world the same way that Wayne does.  But when life wasn't opening too many doors (career wise) for us at home, we both knew that this was the right route/path for us to take.  Not only would we be given the opportunity to be actually teaching, but we would definitely be having a life experience together.

And it was definitely a test.  Wayne has set out on these types of adventures in the past, with past girlfriends and well ...let's just say that it didn't work out.  And it was somewhat of a running joke that people didn't think he should embark on this journey with me for fear that it would go the same way. But low and behold ...we are coming up to less than 2 weeks before we will be coming home and I think we are going to make it! Though ...don't count your chickens I suppose.

This is really just an update that we will be home by the end of August, but I will say this. I have loved this year. There is nothing quite like being away from your family & friends to really truly learn to appreciate what you have in your life.  But it was also a unique experience that has given us so many memories and friendships that I am certain will last the rest of our lives.  Okay, I am realistic, maybe only a couple - but those 2 are worth every second of this year.

That said, I'm ready to come home.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Love Land

I am certain that these pictures are going to get rave reviews from viewers ...and yes, this place actually exists.  And better yet, you can go there in broad daylight and there is no underground codes or passwords to get you in.  Simply pay the 7 dollars and be prepared to be absolutely stunned.

More to come on Jeju Island once I get all of my pictures downloaded, just felt the need to put these out there.


Monday, July 19, 2010

Canada Day Celebrations

We had an incredible Canada Day.  In fact, I would go so far as to say - you learn to appreciate being Canadian and you celebrate being a Canadian in a whole new way when you are in a different Country.  Especially when you have some incredible Canadians around you ...and some great Americans who are willing to join in on the festivities:)

And there is no better way to spend Canada Day than to head to your local 7-11 (sadly our favourite place because it's as close as we can get to having a patio to drink on,) grab some fireworks, drinks some beers and play a rambunctious game of Beer-Pong-Baseball.

OH-CANADA ...We Stand On Guard For Thee ...


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hmmmm ....

This was a drawing for a test that Wayne gave.  They had to draw the Dinosaur that the story was about.  Just have a look and see if one Tyrannosaurus Rex looks a bit different than the others ...


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Month 10: June 2010

Wayne is going to kill me for this image ...but I have a feeling he visits this blog once every 7 months, so maybe it will go unnoticed, serves him right I suppose!

I just wanted to give everyone an update as another month comes to a close.  We have yet to sit down with our boss and negotiate us staying on longer, so everything is very up in the air.  Ideally we are hoping (and only from a financial standpoint) to stay on for an extra 5 months, which would bring us home at the beginning of April, but our school has been going through a lot of changes and stress the past month, so I have no idea where that leaves us.  They are also the slowest people in the world to ever make decisions, so who knows ...we may just be on a plane in the end of September! I'm not sure which way my fingers are crossed.

On a side note we have booked a short trip during our summer holidays (unlike public school teachers, private school teachers teach through the summer with a 5 day holiday at the beginning of August ...because we cannot allow these children to be without education for less than 5 hours per day) to Jeju.  Very excited.  It's a Korean Island, and I have no idea what we are going to see/do there, but I just can't wait to lay by a pool, or on the beach and do nothing but read for a few days straight.  Heaven. It has taken me over 3 months to read my current book ...that in itself is a definition of how busy I have been.

And another update (and somewhat of an excuse as to why I am going to be completely absent for the next month) I am going to be taking my ABQ Course in Math so that when I come back home I will be a certified math teacher! I have no idea what to expect at this point, especially with the time difference but the website tells me to set aside 6-7 hours a day (online) ...and I'm sure with the extra 8 1/2 that I spend at school a day, my life is going to slightly end in July.  So sadly my weekly skype dates and email updates with everyone may need to be put on hold, but rest assured I will be back in August ...hopefully in a better position to come home!

Anyways, that's all for now ...miss everyone and can't wait to start my official countdown to coming home:)



Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Everyday Fun at J&C

The ridiculousness that I deal with on a daily basis is out of control.  Honestly, I have no idea sometimes why I even put up with it, save for the fact that I love drama and thrive on it.  This little story isn't even close to the level of gossip and drama that is going on right now, but you are just going to have to enjoy this one and send me an email should you want more insight:)

One of my co-workers brought 2 boys into the office after class today to talk to the Director (Betty) because they were misbehaving in class and not doing their work.  (Typical.) After some serious verbal lashing from Betty, both boys went back to their classroom, one of them in tears. 

Once Tim (the one with the tears) sat back down in class, Dan (another boy in class with a bit of an edge) started to tease him, every so quietly.  It didn't stay quiet for long.  Tim - having had enough abuse for one day, stood up in class, picked up his book and hit Dan across the back of the head with it. Ummmm, yah.

Let's just say that the day ended (the day being Dan's birthday) with Dan in our office, sobbing for over 1 hour. Apparently he did not appreciate the irony of the situation.

I think that can be filed under the heading: 'What Goes Around, Comes Back Around.'


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Month 9: May 2010

April & May were definitely blessed with visitors.  One week after my parents left, Hallsy arrived and took up residence in our 2nd bedroom for close to 3 weeks.  I kept getting asked the question, "are you going to be able to deal with living with 2 boys ...especially when one is Hallsy?" knowing that he was considering staying up to 3 months if he could find work.  And I always responded, "absolutely, I love having people from home here, especially when one is Hallsy."

And I can honestly say, we loved having him here and were sad to see him go when he couldn't find work.  The only thing I will not miss is having every single cup in my cupboard used on a daily basis because the boy does not like to use a single cup twice. Seriously?

And now we are back to normal and to our quiet apartment, which is both sad and relaxing at the same time.  And starting into a new month.

We're also in the process of considering extending our contract for an extra 5 months.  I think we both completley want to go home and get back to normal life, but we also see the value (and I am talking pure dollars and cents here) in extending as long as possible.  We know that we have a deadline of April 9th (Carina's Wedding) on the horizon, on top of at least a small vacation at the end we're in decision mode.  Hopefully by my next update I will have more information.

Until then, know that I miss home every day but that we are happy and accepting visitors anytime!

Oh ...and here's a little preview of exactly what Wayne & Hallsy spent 3 weeks doing ...


Monday, June 7, 2010

Climbing the Mountain

You may be starting to think that my title is a very deep metaphor to the fact that we are in our 9th month here in Korea and there are days when it literally feels like we are climbing Mount Everest to make it through.  And that from a time perspective we have really reached the peak of that mountain and are now starting to descend.

But no.  I actually meant that I climbed a mountain.  The mountain that is right behind our apartment and has been staring at me for almost 9 months now. 

So, on Saturday morning when I woke up fresh and alert (having been too exhausted to cope on Friday night, and by cope I mean drink & socialize) I decided to have my own little adventure, equipped with only my running shoes and my new camera.  In retrospect a phone (had I not broken mine last week) and a bottle of water may have been wise as well ...but well, I have never been much of a hiker and I really only intended to climb a hill and then call it a mountain, and it ended up being ...well, a mountain.

Here are some of the beautiful sites:

And I will answer your questions here:

  • Yes, I have added the caption 'lori eldridge photography' for a couple reasons.  First and foremost, I am the one who took the pictures, so it could not be a more true statement, and number 2, I have been playing around with my new flickr account and there is nothing more fun than the effects

  • I was nowhere close to alone on this mountain, there was without a stretch of truth at least 2-4 Koreans per 20 metre area

  • Yes, there is advertising even in the middle of the forest in Korea, I have told you - no boundaries


Friday, May 28, 2010


Well ...the long weekend was a bit of a bust ...for a couple of reasons.  Number one of course being the fact that it rained all day Saturday, Sunday & Monday.  That being said, our long weekend started on Friday which was one of the most beautiful days that we have seen this season.  Unfortunately, we did not 'see' this day until approximately 3pm in the afternoon, which was the time that we literally pulled ourselves out of bed, into the shower and to lunch to get our day started.  This might have something to do with a little soju and a 5:30am bedtime the night before.

Regardless, it was an interesting and fun weekend - and even though we got rained out and had to come home early, I'm still happy we ventured away from home.

Muuido is a small island (only 400 people actually live there) close to the Incheon Airport, which isn't too far from where we live.  The island is so close to the mainland that if you were to line up 3 ferries beside each other, you would be able to walk across. 

Once you get off the ferry, you need to hop onto a bus that will take you to the beach which is about a 20-30 minute bus ride away.  Sadly we did not know this.  We got right off the ferry, started following the closest people and then realized about 30 minutes later that we were still walking and were now alone.  Over 90 minutes later we arrived.  Another tiny disaster - we had, had a Korean friend help us book the 'hotel' where we would be staying (dammit, I just realized that we didn't take any pictures of where we stayed, details to come!) and somewhere around the 45 minute walk portion of our afternoon we realized that she had booked the wrong beach, and we aren't even sure to this day that she even booked us into a place near the beach ...or in Muuido for that matter.

Here are some pics from our 'hike'

Anyways, I was a bit panicky at this point.  The place was absolutely rammed.  It was a long weekend and foreigner/tourist city on this beach.  We watched as couples went up to the booth and were turned away, we even watch a couple fight for a room that they apparently booked, but was not left open for them. Thankfully (once we were told that they were full) we found a park that had vacant rooms.  And by room, what I mean is a little hut (and that's really not the best word for it, but the best that I can do) which essentially had 4 walls (2 walls were just windows,) 3 moldy pillows & 2 blankets for the 5 of us.  Do the math ...even without the dirt factor it wasn't great.  Not that sleeping on the floor is ever my first option.  Apparently I did not need to bring my straightener or hair dryer - there would be no showering in my future, or running water for that matter.

But we absolutely made the best of it ...even when everything we ordered on the menu at the one restaurant that didn't serve fish was sold out, and even after we watched an extremely drunk bunch of foreigners (I swear, sometimes they make us all look horrid) flash each other, while yelling obscenities from across the beach.

But we only lasted one night.  It was an incredible beach, and so nice and small that it was almost quaint ...but as soon as the rain started pouring on Saturday, and we looked up into the sky and saw no chance of reprieve, we called it a day and packed it in.  And after 3 bus rides and a ferry ride home, we were completely soaked to the bone, but happy to be home, drinking wine and showering:)


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mom and Dad in Korea ...the Photobook


Monday, May 24, 2010

Pen Pal Buses

I have always known that 'boundaries' are not the same in Korea as they are at home ...but I don't think I have ever seen anything quite as funny (or downright ridiculous) as when I walked out of our school and was confronted with over 5 different buses with banners covering the entire length of them.

They are actually using something that Wayne & I put together to get the kids excited about writing, to sell the school.

In some ways, I absolutely cannot believe it ...but in others, it completely figures.  .


Monday, May 17, 2010


Our second weekend with my parents here was spent in Busan.  The weather couldn't have been more beautiful, and we had some great company. 

We started out our road trip at 7am.  Getting Wayne out of bed to be ready for that time was no small feat.  I figured if I could accomplish that, I could accomplish anything that I set my mind to.  The 4 of us met Marty & Em at the corner and we grabbed cabs and headed to the bus terminal.  Once there Em did her customary shop for anything that might catch her interest to buy, before we got onto the bus and started the 5 hour trip to Busan.

I really had to no idea what to expect, and I think that if I had to of made guesses before arriving I would have completely missed my mark.  It was entirely different than anywhere that I have ever been in Korea.  There were still millions of people on the streets and fish stands on every corner, but the entire vibe and atmosphere was different.

People walked slightly slower, every seemed to be smiling a bit more and the beautiful beach that was before our eyes was filled with people relaxing and having fun.  It made me want to pack my bags and see if they needed any English teachers.

Our first task was to find a Love Motel.  Which Wayne assured us would be easy, and confirmed that absolutely every Love Motel was exactly the same inside so we didn't need to concentrate on anything other than price.  He was wrong on both accounts.

But it gave us a story to tell.

Then we filled our bellies and started walking down the beach.  It didn't take long before we were grabbing beers, and finding our way to the shopping areas.  We found a great formula that worked for every couple.  As long as the boys had a beer in their hands, they would wait patiently outside the shops while we tried on shoes and looked at clothes.  Fabulous.

We stumbled down a very interesting street.  Definitely different than anything I have ever seen before, that's for sure.

Our night ended with fireworks, literally.

The next day was a relaxed, touristy day of walking around and checking out the town.  You may notice that Wayne is not in any of the pictures ...he was in bed.

Then back on the bus for the 5 hour trek home.  Was it worth the drive? Absolutely.  Will I go again? Definitely ...but hopefully next time we can make it a long weekend.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Fish Market

Here are some tips if you are going to visit a Fish Market in Asia:

  • Try to go on a windy day ~ while it sometimes blows the smells your way, they tend to float past you with the next gust of wind

  • Try to go on a cool day ~ the heat makes the smells mentioned above slightly more potent

  • Do not go while it is rainy ~ but if you do, wear rubber boots and short pants. Again, the smells mentioned previously seem to cling to cotton when wearing LuLus

  • Don't look too closely ~ things are often looking back

  • Do not be alarmed at the sight of Korean men & women sitting alongside the vendors on blankets (or directly on the ground) mowing down on some raw fish and straight Soju

  • Enjoy ~ this is definitely not something you are going to see everyday
And here are some pictures of a Fish Market in Asia:


Monday, May 10, 2010

Mom & Dad Korea

I can't speak for my parents, but I know for me ~ their 2 weeks in Korea were definitely the highlight of my year so far.  It was incredible to have them here first surreal and then completely natural, to the point that the apartment felt empty after they had left.  It started out with 2 suitcases completely full of treats & snacks and it ended with tears at the airport and a very soggy bus ride back to our place.  And the inbetween was jam packed of sight seeing and 'living our lives' Korean experiences.

For me, some of my favourite memories are definitely:

  • Watching my dad struggle with chopsticks for the first time (and then the 30th)

  • Seeing the musical 'Jump' ...though not necessarily for the show itself

  • The trip to Busan

  • Watching 2 seasons of Survivor and beating the boys in both of the pools

  • 2 Baseball Games and having the Thunder Sticks

  • Getting to eat my dad's pancakes

  • Having my mom show me up in Soju shot drinking

  • Having my parents experience first hand what we go through at school

  • Introducing my parents to our kids ...and watching my dad trying to explain to the boys how a rocket is designed (yah, they don't know what 'design' even means)

  • Shopping, shopping, shopping with the woman that gave me my love of shoes and ' pretty things'

  • Watching Father of the Bride and picking our wedding dance song

  • The best one of all dad on the microphone at the Nora Bong and my mom with the tamborines

Though, ones not to forget would be:

  • The Korean Palace in Seoul

  • Learning to navigate the Subway system

  • Eating Shabu Shabu on the floor

  • Buying chopsticks & a beautiful ring

  • Dinner with the bosses

  • Baskin Robbins - 4 flavours

  • Skype dates with them on this side of the computer

  • Buying Wayne about 8 new pairs of socks

I'm certain that I have not mentioned everything because every single day seemed to be full of best moments and so much fun.  Did I mention that I loved having them here?


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lori 2010

Well, it's been a busy month and definitely the best one since we got here.  So I will start with the recap through a few different posts - the first being, 'Lori 2010.' Which I honestly did not think would take place this year ...and low and behold, not only did it take place, but it came as a surprise, that even included balloons, sparklers and treat bags! Thanks to Em & Wayne for all the planning.  And to my mom who secretly brought over decorations to help celebrate the big 3-0. 

And now, I am not in my 20's anymore, but I stand strong to the declaration that 30 is the new 20 and that pink is the new black ...and I think that will carry me through to my 40's where I need to invent some other slang saying to ease the stress of getting older.

The day started out with the surprise Shabu Shabu lunch and ended with beers and party hats at the ball game.  Overall, a fabulous way to spend my birthday.

It made me realize that even though I miss home every second of every day (especially now that my parents have left) I have some incredible friends here these are days that I will remember always.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Matt in Korea


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Month 7 & 8: March & April

I can't believe that it completely slipped my mind to write my monthly update in March, and now it is almost the end of April.  In my defense, it has been an extremely busy couple of months and I have been sure to update everyone on all of the various activities and things that we have been up to.  I suppose getting engaged and having visitors takes a lot of out a girl don't get too frustrated with me, I have a list of excuses to throw out there.

I suppose you could say that it has been an incredible couple of months.  I think that it could have been raining or even snowing and hailing, with us working 16 hour days and never sleeping and I would still have a smile on my face ...I am engaged.  I don't need to say more:)

Other than that, we have been really lucky to hire a couple new Canadian teachers at our school and you will be seeing them throughout out pictures.  Marty & Em are East Coasters and have become great friends.  Gotta love being surrounded by Canadians.  Funny how that happened, when we first got here the Canadians were defintely out-numbered by Americans and slowly but surely we have started to take over. 

As you saw, baseball season has started and we are loving the games.  It's such an awesome way to spend weekend days - the tickets are only $8 (actually less because they are 8 won) and beer is only $2.50 per can.  Ridiculously cheap, can't argue with that.  And with jerseys, hats and a new flag - we are definitely contenders to be voted the #1 fans.

Matt's visit was a huge highlight for both Wayne & I.  It's amazing to have just a touch of home and it made me think again of how much I miss home.  (Not that I don't think that every single day, haha.)  That being said, if all goes as planned, we are officially at a point where we can say - "this time next year, we will be home!" I made Wayne promise that we will be home for my 31st (is that even possible?) birthday regardless, we are in the home stretch.  And it's incredible how quickly the first 8 months have gone.  I may have even reached the point where I might *gasp* miss this place once we leave. 

It's such a strange feeling - to have built an entire life and then one day pick up and go home and never return.  It's like you never even existed here.

Anyways, I'm sure one of the biggest highlights of my whole experience is going to happen in a couple days (no pressure of course!) ...when my parents get here on Friday!  I have been so excited for months and then it just hit me in class yesterday that this weekend will be spent with them:)  I actually cried last week thinking about saying goodbye to them when they have to go home Wayne has barred me from going to the airport when they leave, haha.

Well - it's test time, and while this has been a great way to procrastinate a bit, I think I better get back to it.  Thanks again for keeping up to date with us, and please mark a year from now on your calendar ...because we will be coming home!!! (Sad that, that seems soon to me at this point.)

Oh! And in case you haven't heard yet, I started 2 other blogs ...if you are intersted and I don't monopolize enough of your time with this one:

ps. my aunt just brought this to my attention ...Wayne & I are officially googable as a couple!  Now if that's not an accomplishment, I'm not sure what is.  If you go to google and type in Lori & will get this blog!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Matt in Asia

I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing better than having visitors.  You get to have a little piece of home in your new home, you get to share 'your world' with them, experience everything as though it's new again with them ...and they bring amazing goodies from home that you have been missing.

Matt was our first, and I am so happy that he was able to make it.  He spent the week saying, "I can't believe I am in Asia," and I think by the end of the week he had not only experienced, but enjoyed.  I hope anyways. 

A week is a short time to visit, after a 13 hour flight (which is actually kinda like 24 hours on the way over because of the time difference and 1 hour on the way back ...crazy) I'm sure it can seem like a whirlwind as your body tries to adjust to not only the new food, the new smells, the new environment, the new language going on all around you but also the time difference.  It probably takes a week once you get home to settle from your 'vacation.'

Sadly, visiting us isn't quite like visiting Club Med ...but I didn't make him clean his clothes up off the ground ...and he did get the customary vacation nap in most afternoons ...and he enjoyed Soju with the best of them, so hopefully Matt will recommend hotel Lori & Wayne to any other guests travelling this way.  He has assured me that the next time he is in Asia, he will be sure to stay with us.

While there isn't a huge list of things to do and see, there is definitely enough here to keep you busy and having fun for a couple weeks.  Matts priorities were the DMZ Tour (North Korea,) the baseball game (it comes highly recommended,) alittle sightseeing in Seoul and of course, you can't come to Korea without taking a trip to the Nora Bong.

So in short, he did it all.  And then he was gone, and I can honestly say that the apartment felt emptier without him ...cleaner, but definitely emptier.

Have a look at the pictures above, my favourites of course being the Nora Bong ones.  People simply do not realize how much they are going to love it until they are in it.  But second to that, you have to check out the picture of Matt standing next to the door ...classic.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Home Opener

Well, the sun wasn't shining, but the stands were certainly packed. Saturday was the home opener for the Incheon Wyverns and you better believe that their biggest fans were there full force.  As you saw in my post about the Final Game of the series last season, the Koreans take baseball seriously and one of their games is a completely different (and fabulous) experience.  So, after purchasing, hats, jerseys ...and even a flag we took our $8 seats to watch the Wyverns beat Deageon 3-2 in a great home opener. 

Check out some pics.

And then afterwards we took our party back to Nonhyeong (that's our town ...and I am certain I did not spell that correctly, but I tried) ...enjoyed some bbq and had our own little championship game ...and the girls beat the boys ...just for the record.


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