Sunday, October 25, 2009


I have fallen in love with skype.  It is the most amazing portal to home, allowing me not only to talk to people, but to see them at the same time!  It's incredible ...and it's free.  I had my first skype date last week with my cousin Shannon, her husband Phil and their beautiful baby Hayden.  Since then, I have talked to so many people and I am always worried that I am going to be incredibly sad and homesick once I am done the 'conversation.'  But for some reason it has had the opposite effect, it has made me feel closer to home and more connected with my world back there.  So, if you can't tell - I love it.

This is perhaps my 'encouragement' to everyone at home to get skype so that we can talk and have dates, and also my thank you to everyone that has had some fabulous dates with  me!  I love them and can't wait for tons more.

If you have yet to download skype, it's super easy ....all you need is a webcam, which are cheap and can be picked up at Future Shop.  Then visit - and download the program!  Search for me using and we can start 'dating'!!

And no, that wasn't a commercial for Skype or Future Shop, but if they would like to endorse my blog, I would be more than happy to recieve royalties for all of my praise:)


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