Korea is Teaching Me Patience ...
...or at least trying to! Maybe that is the greater reason why I came here this year, maybe I will come back with the ability to wait for things patiently and to understand that things cannot happen instantaneously without getting frustrating ...or maybe, I will come back a complete wreck, having used up all of my freakin patience in this country.
Examples of the lessons in patience that I am currently undergoing:
I have been here for approximately 23 days and I am still waiting for a dresser and some type of furniture (whether that be a couch or another single bed) to sit on. We currently spend all of our time sitting on the bed ...may seem fine, but I assure you, it's at the point where I may throw that bed through the window soon.
Along with not having a dresser or a couch, I also do not have the internet or cable yet. Again, I have been here for 23 days.
Yesterday we went to wait for the bus. We continued to wait for that bus for another hour and 10 minutes, because there is no regular schedule. It comes when it comes.
My school schedule is such that you have to be here for an allotted amount of time (hence the opportunity to write blogs) ...regardles of whether or not you are teaching. Thus - I wait and watch the clock from 7:15-9pm. Every single evening.
Last week we had our coworkers over for a housewarming party (and no, there was nowhere for them to sit) one of the girls was bringing the dinner. We waited until 11:30pm for it to come, over 2 hours from when we all left work.
Whenever we meet up with people, it is said that they will typically be the 'Korean 15 late' ...which means 15 minutes late. I think they may want to rename it to the 'Korean 30 - 60'.
The list goes on and on, but I'm guessing that you get the picture!
ps. blogging is very therapeutic ...it also wasted about 20 minutes of my wait time tonight!
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