Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Nora Bong

Translated, Nora Bong means - Singing Room.  In my language it means - Singing & Dancing Room.  Which equals fabulous.  Seriously, I have no idea why we don't have these in Canada.

And I am certain that the majority of you are thinking to yourselves, "we do, you dumbass, it's called Kareoke," well friends ...this is so much more than Kareoke.

The Nora Bong consists of a small room, somewhat similar in size to a family room (perhaps smaller) with a large couch, a table and a screen facing the couch and table, and a large area for getting down!  Which is what I love to do.  Your group rents an entire room and you can have a party all by yourselves.

The room is rented by the hour and it's more fun than a lot of things that are rented by the hour.

It's worth coming to visit us for ...

Yes, you are seeing this correctly - they give you Tamborines!

There are books FULL of music, and there is even English songs ...tons of them. That being said, we know our share of Korean songs now too because of the Nora Bong.  And while I may be able to sing them, I definitely do not know the words.

I swear, I am doing the dance here that goes with the song.  Just check out everyone else, I am doing exactly the same thing ...or at least I thought that I was, I see now that it may look slightly different.


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