Teaching Kindies
Well ...I was called fat today, sat on, jumped on, pet, slobbered on - so essentially physically and emotionally abused ...and all before noon. This is the life of a kindergarden teacher in Korea. Actually - probably anywhere.
A little background: one of the American teachers in my school (actually - Kids College ...I teach at J&C, which is Junior College) had to go home for a wedding, so I was asked to take over his classes. This meant 12 hour days and slightly higher pay because of overtime hours, but I am quickly learning, maybe not enough.
Haha, kidding ...I actually love them. It's a lot of fun, but those kids don't hold back and it is completely different than the teaching that I am used to. For one thing, you don't only have the kids for a period and then when you are getting exhausted of them, they move on. Nope, you have them for an entire 5 periods and I can't even explain the exhaustion at the end of it all. I'm wiped, and then I need to go downstairs and teach my regular classes. But they are adorable in so many ways.
They always want to sit on your lap and hold your hand, and while in one breath they were calling me fat - they also pet my face constantly and tell me that I am pretty:) So they both build me up and then kick me when I'm not expecting it. I am seriously going to create a list of hilarious things that kids say to us, because I have heard some doozies.
My kids are one of the highest levels, so I only have 4 (Rachel, Monica, Thomas, and ...wait for it ...Fransisco ...too cute) and they can speak very good english. We do fun things like Show & Tell, and arts and crafts. We even played What Time Is It Mr. Wolf in the gym today, and I tried to (very unsuccessfully) teach them Wink Murder as well. Oh well, at least there was some quiet for a few minutes. They are also working on a play right now that the school is going to tape and send home to parents this week, it's pretty hilarious. I will see if I can get a tape and put it on here. If not that, then definitely some pictures.
Anyways, it has been fun while it's lasted ...but I am also slightly happy that tomorrow is my last day. And I am going to desperately need the Christmas break to recover from it all.
And ps. I was just thinking before I left the 'house' this morning that my pants were starting to feel a little loose ...thank goodness my kids cleared up any ideas that I might have had in my head about potentially being skinny. :)
I can't believe they called YOU of all people FAT...that is too funny! Just catching up on your blogs since Shieldsy hasn't sent a link in like 8 WEEKS! Miss you Lori...I hope you both have a very merry christmas together. Hugs, Les xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
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