Monday, November 2, 2009

Month Two: October 2009

It feels like yesterday that I was writing at the end of September, it almost feels like yesterday that we stepped off the plane and yet it also feels like we have been here forever.

This months was a really good/busy month. Highlights definitely being the candy in the package sent by Wayne's mom (which lasted until yesterday ...over 2 weeks would be impressed unless you knew how much she sent ...tons!), the Korean Hip Hop concert, getting internet into our apartment (though it is down right now, a mere 2 weeks later, grrr), thus allowing skype dates to take place, finally getting our second bed/couch, the championship baseball game, kareoke nights with coworkers and finding a Shabu Shabu restaurant! Mmmmm, worth coming to visit us for.

You might notice that I left out going to the fish market and eating tasty treats ...that was not an oversight.

And miraculously - Wayne & I still seem to be surviving together ...a good sign being that we are both still alive:) Though - I think I thank the inclusion of the internet into our apartment as part of what has made that possible.

I wanted to take a portion of this message to thank friends & family at home who have made it so easy to feel close to home with all the emails and the skype dates. I swear that I have hated talking on the phone since I started working full time for InField and my cell phone became my worst nightmare, but all of a sudden I find myself loving skype and the connection that it gives me to home:) And for those of you that are dragging your feet either hooking it up, or setting up dates ...hopefully it will happen soon, because I miss you.

This month brought the Swine Flu and candy from home (and even some super cute red mitts - thanks Corrie!) ...can't wait to see what will happen next ...

Stay tuned.



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