Friday, November 19, 2010


It has definitely been awhile. I have been meaning to write a beautiful and eloquent sum up blog entry - detailing (with pictures of course - and maybe even a photobook) my incredible year away and all of the experiences that Wayne & I had. But I haven't. Instead, I have thought about it in random seconds throughout the weeks since we have been home. And then the weeks turned into months and now we have almost been home 3 months.

I have no idea where the time has gone. Except that I'm pretty sure that it has been thrown into the busyness of living back in Canada. That has got to be one of the extreme differences of living overseas versus living at home. Living at home brings with it all the wonderfulness of friends and family and comfort activities and food that you are used to and all of the other things that you love. But you miss out on the 'you' time ...mostly because there weren't a million expectations that surrounded your schedule, but you just don't have that when you're home.

Nor do you have your Emily & Marty ...but that's another story. Though it should be noted how much I miss them.

Anyways, to say that it's good to be home would be an understatement. (Though in all honesty - to say that we had an incredible year and that it was one of the best of my life to date - is also an understatement. It just goes to show that timing is everything.) 

So anyways, I wanted to close this chapter of my life with saying that I loved every single second of it. The memories that I have of the year in Korea will be with me forever and I learned so much about myself ...and about Wayner - living in a shoe box will do that to a couple. But we survived, and not only survived - but came home and appreciated life in a different way. And now I actually know that Korea is not a city in the continent of China.

Oh - and did I mention that I am now teaching High School Business, bought a new car, am planning a destination Wedding for next summer and bought a new house in Acton that closes next week?
Phew ...see, I told you that I haven't had any spare time.



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