Friday, November 19, 2010


It has definitely been awhile. I have been meaning to write a beautiful and eloquent sum up blog entry - detailing (with pictures of course - and maybe even a photobook) my incredible year away and all of the experiences that Wayne & I had. But I haven't. Instead, I have thought about it in random seconds throughout the weeks since we have been home. And then the weeks turned into months and now we have almost been home 3 months.

I have no idea where the time has gone. Except that I'm pretty sure that it has been thrown into the busyness of living back in Canada. That has got to be one of the extreme differences of living overseas versus living at home. Living at home brings with it all the wonderfulness of friends and family and comfort activities and food that you are used to and all of the other things that you love. But you miss out on the 'you' time ...mostly because there weren't a million expectations that surrounded your schedule, but you just don't have that when you're home.

Nor do you have your Emily & Marty ...but that's another story. Though it should be noted how much I miss them.

Anyways, to say that it's good to be home would be an understatement. (Though in all honesty - to say that we had an incredible year and that it was one of the best of my life to date - is also an understatement. It just goes to show that timing is everything.) 

So anyways, I wanted to close this chapter of my life with saying that I loved every single second of it. The memories that I have of the year in Korea will be with me forever and I learned so much about myself ...and about Wayner - living in a shoe box will do that to a couple. But we survived, and not only survived - but came home and appreciated life in a different way. And now I actually know that Korea is not a city in the continent of China.

Oh - and did I mention that I am now teaching High School Business, bought a new car, am planning a destination Wedding for next summer and bought a new house in Acton that closes next week?
Phew ...see, I told you that I haven't had any spare time.



Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I cannot believe we are at this point already ...we have almost hit an entire year in South Korea and away from home!  I honestly remember thinking at the beginning that I couldn't imagine how long a year would feel like, and now I can truly say that this was one of the fastest years of my entire life.  Though that may have something to do with the fact that they say that the years go faster the older that you get, and I hit 30 this year. Who knows.  Either way, it has been an incredible year.

I wasn't really sure I had this in me. I was not born with the traveling gene (though I love my time at all-inclusives) and I have never really had the urge to explore the world the same way that Wayne does.  But when life wasn't opening too many doors (career wise) for us at home, we both knew that this was the right route/path for us to take.  Not only would we be given the opportunity to be actually teaching, but we would definitely be having a life experience together.

And it was definitely a test.  Wayne has set out on these types of adventures in the past, with past girlfriends and well ...let's just say that it didn't work out.  And it was somewhat of a running joke that people didn't think he should embark on this journey with me for fear that it would go the same way. But low and behold ...we are coming up to less than 2 weeks before we will be coming home and I think we are going to make it! Though ...don't count your chickens I suppose.

This is really just an update that we will be home by the end of August, but I will say this. I have loved this year. There is nothing quite like being away from your family & friends to really truly learn to appreciate what you have in your life.  But it was also a unique experience that has given us so many memories and friendships that I am certain will last the rest of our lives.  Okay, I am realistic, maybe only a couple - but those 2 are worth every second of this year.

That said, I'm ready to come home.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Love Land

I am certain that these pictures are going to get rave reviews from viewers ...and yes, this place actually exists.  And better yet, you can go there in broad daylight and there is no underground codes or passwords to get you in.  Simply pay the 7 dollars and be prepared to be absolutely stunned.

More to come on Jeju Island once I get all of my pictures downloaded, just felt the need to put these out there.


Monday, July 19, 2010

Canada Day Celebrations

We had an incredible Canada Day.  In fact, I would go so far as to say - you learn to appreciate being Canadian and you celebrate being a Canadian in a whole new way when you are in a different Country.  Especially when you have some incredible Canadians around you ...and some great Americans who are willing to join in on the festivities:)

And there is no better way to spend Canada Day than to head to your local 7-11 (sadly our favourite place because it's as close as we can get to having a patio to drink on,) grab some fireworks, drinks some beers and play a rambunctious game of Beer-Pong-Baseball.

OH-CANADA ...We Stand On Guard For Thee ...


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hmmmm ....

This was a drawing for a test that Wayne gave.  They had to draw the Dinosaur that the story was about.  Just have a look and see if one Tyrannosaurus Rex looks a bit different than the others ...


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Month 10: June 2010

Wayne is going to kill me for this image ...but I have a feeling he visits this blog once every 7 months, so maybe it will go unnoticed, serves him right I suppose!

I just wanted to give everyone an update as another month comes to a close.  We have yet to sit down with our boss and negotiate us staying on longer, so everything is very up in the air.  Ideally we are hoping (and only from a financial standpoint) to stay on for an extra 5 months, which would bring us home at the beginning of April, but our school has been going through a lot of changes and stress the past month, so I have no idea where that leaves us.  They are also the slowest people in the world to ever make decisions, so who knows ...we may just be on a plane in the end of September! I'm not sure which way my fingers are crossed.

On a side note we have booked a short trip during our summer holidays (unlike public school teachers, private school teachers teach through the summer with a 5 day holiday at the beginning of August ...because we cannot allow these children to be without education for less than 5 hours per day) to Jeju.  Very excited.  It's a Korean Island, and I have no idea what we are going to see/do there, but I just can't wait to lay by a pool, or on the beach and do nothing but read for a few days straight.  Heaven. It has taken me over 3 months to read my current book ...that in itself is a definition of how busy I have been.

And another update (and somewhat of an excuse as to why I am going to be completely absent for the next month) I am going to be taking my ABQ Course in Math so that when I come back home I will be a certified math teacher! I have no idea what to expect at this point, especially with the time difference but the website tells me to set aside 6-7 hours a day (online) ...and I'm sure with the extra 8 1/2 that I spend at school a day, my life is going to slightly end in July.  So sadly my weekly skype dates and email updates with everyone may need to be put on hold, but rest assured I will be back in August ...hopefully in a better position to come home!

Anyways, that's all for now ...miss everyone and can't wait to start my official countdown to coming home:)



Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Everyday Fun at J&C

The ridiculousness that I deal with on a daily basis is out of control.  Honestly, I have no idea sometimes why I even put up with it, save for the fact that I love drama and thrive on it.  This little story isn't even close to the level of gossip and drama that is going on right now, but you are just going to have to enjoy this one and send me an email should you want more insight:)

One of my co-workers brought 2 boys into the office after class today to talk to the Director (Betty) because they were misbehaving in class and not doing their work.  (Typical.) After some serious verbal lashing from Betty, both boys went back to their classroom, one of them in tears. 

Once Tim (the one with the tears) sat back down in class, Dan (another boy in class with a bit of an edge) started to tease him, every so quietly.  It didn't stay quiet for long.  Tim - having had enough abuse for one day, stood up in class, picked up his book and hit Dan across the back of the head with it. Ummmm, yah.

Let's just say that the day ended (the day being Dan's birthday) with Dan in our office, sobbing for over 1 hour. Apparently he did not appreciate the irony of the situation.

I think that can be filed under the heading: 'What Goes Around, Comes Back Around.'


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